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  • Writer's pictureNatalie Mason

Times are changing...

Happy Sunday everyone!

Welcome to my first blog post.

Before it turns into S-Monday, I hope you all have a restful day with family and friends.

Times are changing for me in Author land. As I creep a little closer to fulfilling my dream of being a full-time Writer, it's time to reassess my goals and plans for the year ahead.

I was up until midnight last night working on something special for you all, and to be the first to find out what it is, you'll need to subscribe to my mailing list via my website

As of December, I will emailing out monthly newsletters full of all sorts of exciting news, announcements, behind-the-scenes info and content. I will keep surprising you all with impromptu revels on my Instagram account but I will first be revealing my news to my amazing subscribers, along with other added benefits.

If you are already a subscriber, you will know that I have not previously been very active through my website and email list. It has been an opportunity I haven't taken full advantage of, until now. In large part that has been because I have been focussing on my writing and releasing new books. That's a great thing, but in doing so I haven't made the time to fully engage with my readers like I would like to, other than through my Instagram. However, that's going to change very soon, along with a few more exciting things.

All will be revealed in my first exciting email announcement this coming Tuesday, November 24th, 2020. So head to my website to join my valued list on secret-keepers. I have some very exciting things planned for you and I don't want you to miss out!

While I'm here, I would also like to take a moment to give a shout out to Miss Bonnie Wynne.

I have loved following Bonnie's author journey and as of this week, she can officially call herself a bestselling author! Bonnie's new book landed the #1 spot in not one but four Amazon bestseller categories for her new release book 'A Wind From the Rift.' A huge accomplishment! Congratulations Bonnie!

A Wind From the Rift, is the sequel to her debut YA Fantasy novel The Ninth Sorceress. I LOVED her first book, so I highly recommend checking out both of her novels. The world building, magic system and character development are just a few of the highlights of her novels for me.

I hope you have a great week ahead everyone and I'll look forward to sharing my exciting news with you all this coming Tuesday in my subscriber email.

Take care,


Nattie Kate Mason


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